Low Poly Wolf | 3dsMAX CAT Rig + Animations

Low Poly Wolf | 3dsMAX CAT Rig + Animations

3D-Model - Low Poly Wolf | 3dsMAX CAT Rig + Animations.

This is a Low Poly Model of a Wolf available to download for my Patreon Supporters as a form of Thank You.

Hopefully I will release some characters exclusively, just for you, from time to time, to express my appreciation and gratitude for your support.

This item is under Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial License. Which means:
You are free to:
Download, share, copy and redistribute the item in any medium or format, for non-commercial use.
Adapt, edit, re-transform or build upon the item.
You can not:
Sell the item anywhere or make money out of it in any form.
You must:
Attribute the author by posting this text in your video description or place of usage (Copy & Paste):
Low Poly Wolf Rig and Model created by Milos Cerny and downloaded at
Full License: Here
Download links for «Low Poly Wolf | 3dsMAX CAT Rig + Animations»:
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