NatDevice - Media Device API v1.2.0

NatDevice - Media Device API

NatDevice - Media Device API - download Unity asset

NatDevice is a cross-platform media device API for iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows. NatDevice provides powerful abstractions for using hardware cameras and microphones through a concise .NET API. Features include:

- High Resolution Camera Preview. NatDevice exposes device cameras that allow for full HD previews and higher where supported.

- Low Latency Microphone Recording. NatDevice exposes microphones that stream audio data to your code on a dedicated audio thread.

- Camera Preview Data. NatDevice cameras provide the camera preview as a texture, but also provide the preview data for running image algorithms and other tasks.

- High Resolution Photo Capture. On mobile platforms, NatDevice cameras allow for high-res photo capture with flash.

- Camera Focus. On mobile platforms, NatDevice cameras support setting the focus point and focus lock (disabling autofocus).

- Camera Exposure. On mobile platforms, NatDevice cameras support setting the exposure point, exposure bias, and exposure lock (disabling autoexposure).

- Camera Zoom. On mobile platforms, NatDevice cameras support optical zoom.

- Camera White Balance Lock. On mobile platforms, NatDevice cameras can lock the white balance if the device supports it.

- Microphone Format Control. NatDevice microphones can record in mono or stereo and at different sample rates.

- Torch Control. On mobile platforms, NatDevice cameras support torch control, even when camera preview is not running.

- OpenCV Support. NatDevice has seamless integration with OpenCVForUnity. Check out the official example.

- NatCorder Support. NatDevice tightly integrates with our video recording API NatCorder, which supports recording MP4 videos, animated GIF images, WAV audio files, and so on.

- Unity 2018.3+
- Android API Level 21+
- iOS 11+
- macOS 10.10+
- Windows 10, 64-bit only

Asset version: 1.2.0
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