Enhanced Hierarchy v1.31

Enhanced Hierarchy

Enhanced Hierarchy for Unity is an editor extension that allows you to easily manipulate your Game Objects directly in the hierarchy, it adds a bunch of toggles and buttons in the hierarchy and some information icons.
Are you tired of selecting and deselecting Game Objects just to enable and disable them? Or to change their static flags? Or to change their layer? Then, this extension is made for you, you can do these tedious tasks faster, just clicking on the hierarchy.
Don't you know where those strange errors in your console are coming from? Well, the extension will place an icon next to the game object that is throwing the errors.
Does your partner keeps changing the objects that you don't want him to change? Lock the object and prevent him (or even yourself) from messing with your things.
Do you want a draggable selection on the hierarchy? With this extension you have it, just drag over the items using your right mouse button.
And it is totally customizable, you can enable and disable anything you want.

Asset version: 1.31
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