Collision Disabler v1.4-1.5-1.7 (4.26-4.27, 5.0)

Collision Disabler

Download Unreal Engine Asset – Collision Disabler – Disables collisions between pairs of bodies

This plugin will allow you to turn off collisions between indicated pairs of physical objects in runtime.

Unreal Engine provides several methods to disable collisions between objects.

Collision channels - Allows for switching off collisions between groups of objects, but not between specific objects.
Ignore Actor When Moving - Tells this component whether to ignore collision with all components of a specific Actor when it's moved. Won't work for the physic simulation.
Contact Modification - Modifying the properties of the generated contacts points. Requires knowledge of PhysX and coding in C ++.

Collision Disabled uses the last method to provide a very simple and convenient way to disable collisions between objects using physics simulation.


Disable collision between physical objects
Works with both c++ and Blueprint only projects
Works with CCD
Works with Substepping

Asset version: 1.4-1.5-1.7 (4.26-4.27, 5.0)
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    1. Please add this one soon thanks
      1. Fixed - try now