Ascent Toolset - Quests, Dialogues and State Machine v1.1 (4.26)/1.21 (4.27)

Ascent Toolset - Quests, Dialogues and State Machine

Ascent Toolset – Quests, Dialogues and State Machine – download Unreal Engine asset

Ascent Toolset is a set of graph-based visual tools to help developers to in creating dialogues, quests and any kind of State machine.

Quest Tool is a generic tool to create any kind of Quest System, support branched quests, timed quests and multi-objective quests.

Dialogue Tools empowers your story telling by helping developers in creating complex branchable dialogues by also supporting sounds and animations. (Available also separately here)

FSM tool is a generic State Machine Editor that can be used for any problem that can be solved by implementing the State Pattern. (Available also separately here)

Every tool is component based for easy integration with any project, regardless of the size.

Works natively with Ascent Combat Framework, the definitive Action RPG creator.

Written in C++ but 100% usable in blueprint-only projects.

Technical Details


Quest System
Dialogue System
FSM System
A set of Graph Tools for all the above mentioned

Code Modules:

AscentGraphSystem [Runtime]
AscentGraphSystemEditor [Editor]
AscentDialogueSystem [Runtime]
AscentDialogueSystemEditor [Editor]
AscentQuestSystem [Runtime]
AscentQuestSystemEditor [Editor]
AscentStateMachine [Runtime]
AscentStateMachineEditor [Editor]

Number of Blueprints: 2

Number of C++ Classes: 48

Network Replicated: No

Supported Development Platforms: PC, Xbox, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Android

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, Xbox, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Android

Asset version: 1.1 (4.26)/1.21 (4.27)
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    1. Very usefull but no download link!
      1. Fixed - try now